


To be in friendship and fellowship is a joy and privilege. Further, the friendship that lasts for lifetime, beyond the school and college days are to be praised and adorned. Thus Argos’95 stands as a pride for everyone in it and to others who witness as beneficiaries.


The team Argos 95 apart from being conventional with periodical gatherings, constant communication over phone, regular celebrations and meetings and enjoying friendship, has reached another height by addressing the voice of the deprived and downtrodden.

This act of compassion has enlightened the lives of many and thus the children from D.M.Girls boarding home, Siloam stand endorsing such life changing mission effort of Argos 95.

The staff and the students take a bow with the gesture of thanks for your benevolence in extending your support through creating an organic kitchen garden called " Namma veettu thottam" and an orchard with fruit trees like goose berries, pomegranate, guava and papaya trees to cater to the nutritional need of the boarding home children.

Argos 95 has graciously provided mats for the girls in the boarding home, to have a comfortable sleep. The generosity of this batch did not stop with that, they purchased and delivered 10 tailoring machines towards skill training for destitute girls. This was a highly appreciable act. With profound sense of gratitude we bow before God thanking Him for this batch of Agros 95 whom we consider as God’s gift to us.

We pray for all their well beings.


Siloam Girls Boarding Home
